This conference will not charge fees for attending the sessions. But registration is necessary. Below you can see the latest version of the program and you can register for the sessions that you wish to attend. Please, do not register for the sessions that you are not sure to come because this means that others will not be able to attend, given that places are limited. (People who register and do not come, will lose priority for next year’s conference).
Monday 30 October 2023
8:30 - 9:00 | Welcome coffee |
IQS, Main Building, Hall Sala Multimedia |
9:00 – 9:30 |
Welcome Dr. Josep A. Rom, Rector of the Universitat Ramon Llull, SJ. Enric Puig, President of the IQS Board and Mr. Marc Simón, subdirector general de la Fundación ”la Caixa” |
IQS, Main Building, Sala Multimedia |
9:30 – 11:30 |
Opening lecture by Dr. Adela Cortina, Professor Emeritus at University of València “Aporofobia: una palabra transformadora de la realidad” |
Sala Multimedia |
11:30 – 12:00 | Coffee Break | IQS, Patio Casa de Ejercicios |
12:00 – 13:30 | Parallel Sessions 1 and 2 | Sala multimedia 1 & 2 |
13:30 – 15:00 | Finger buffet and networking | IQS, Patio Casa de Ejercicios |
15:00 – 16:30 | Parallel Sessions 3 and 4 | Sala multimedia 1 & 2 |
16:45 – 18:30 |
Joint Workshop Fundació Arrels, Assís and Càritas |
Fundación Assís |
21:30 | Meeting for drinks | TBA |
Tuesday 31 October 2023
9:00 – 10:30 | Parallel Sessions 5 and 6 | Sala Multimedia 1 & 2 |
10:30 – 11:00 | Coffee Break | IQS, Patio Casa de Ejercicios |
11:00 – 12:30 |
Keynote Speech “Estigmatización y aporofobia” Gustavo Pereira, Universidad de la República, Uruguay |
Sala Multimedia 1 |
12:30 – 13:30 |
“Aporophobia all over the world” in collaboration with the Association of Brazilian Researchers and Students in Catalonia (APEC). Moderator: Vivian Campos, Apec Chair Message P. Lancelotti & Paullo Escobar, plus video book Cia Latrinhas plus lecture Prof. Esther Pillar Grossi, GEEMPA |
Sala Multimedia 1 |
13:30 – 15:00 | Break, Lunch & networking | IQS, Patio Casa de Ejercicios |
15:00 – 16:30 | Parallel Sessions 7 & 8 | Sala multimedia 1 & 2 |
16:30 – 17:00 | Coffee break | IQS, Patio Casa de Ejercicios |
17:00 – 18:30 | Workshop Session “Hatento Observatory & Foessa report” | Sala Multimedia 1 & 2 |
19:00 – 20:00 |
Closure: Round Table and the manifesto Closure: Round table and manifiesto Moderator: Beatriz Fernández, Arrels Foundation and Jesús Ruiz, Assís Foundation |
Sala Multimedia 1 |
Parallel Sessions
Session 1 "Conceptual foundations of aporophobia" (Mon 30, 12.00-13.30) [Spanish] - Sala multimedia 1
Moderator: Paco Gil, Escola Superior del Disseny de Sabadell-URL
- Paper 1: Crítica de la aporofobia desde la eleuteronomía. Jesús Conill, Universidad de Valencia. [Bio & Video abstract]
- Paper 2: Instancias moderadoras de la aporofobia: las tradiciones religiosas y sus alternativas seculars. Xavier Casanovas and Llorenç Puig, IQS-URL. [Bio & Video abstract]
- Paper 3: La aporofobia desde la psicología del estatus. Pedro Jesús Pérez Zafrilla, Universidad de Valencia. [Bio & Video abstract]
Session 2 "The meaning and measure of poverty" (Mon 30, 12.00-13.30) [English] - Sala multimedia 2
Moderator: Joan-Andreu Rocha Scarpetta, Facultat d'Educació Social i Treball Social Pere Tarrés-URL
- Paper 1: A new class of fuzzy multidimensional measures: exploring the many aspects of poverty. Fernando Flores Tavares, University of Siena. [Bio & Video abstract]
- Paper 2: Lifting the Veil on the "Invisible People" of Sustainable Development: Exploring the Consideration of Aporophobia Within the UN's Concept of Leaving No One Behind. Rallou Taratori , IQS-URL. [Bio & Video abstract]
- Paper 3: Tools for financial inclusion: a literature review. Francesc Prior Sanz, Francesc Martori Adrian and Mónica Martínez-Blasco, IQS-URL. [Bio & Video abstract]
Session 3 "Conceptual foundations of aporophobia" (Mon 30, 15.00-16.30) [English] - Sala multimedia 1
Moderator: Mark Dangerfield, Insitut Universitari de Salut Mental Vidal i Barraquer-URL
- Paper 1: Aporofobia and the self-reform of Humanism. Oriol Quintana, IQS-URL. [Bio & Video abstract]
- Paper 2: Aporophobia under the gaze of contemporary thought: alterity, vulnerability and ethical relationship. Berta Sáenz Almazán, University of Barcelona. [Bio & Video abstract]
- Paper 3: A theory of aporophobia. Flavio Comim, IQS- URL. [Bio & Video abstract]
Session 4 "Aporophobia and Higher Education" (Mon 30, 15.00-16.30) [English] - Sala multimedia 2
Moderator: Llorenç Puig, IQS-URL
- Paper 1: Ethical Higher Education Leadership: challenging the amplified aporophobic effect of toxic leadership. Jill Jameson, University of Greenwich. [Bio & Video abstract]
- Paper 2: Comparative analysis of public policies focusing on equity in higher education and its relationship with aporophobia: the case of Brazil and India. Marina Ferraz, Judith Baguena, Jordi Diaz, and Flavio Comim, IQS-URL. [Bio & Video abstract]
- Paper 3: Exploring Aporophobia Phenomenon in Higher Education in China. Jundi Wang, IQS-URL. [Bio & Video abstract]
Session 5 "Aporophobia: Barcelona" (Tues 31, 9.00-10.30) [Spanish] - Sala multimedia 1
Moderator: Susanna Salvador Iborra, Institute for Social Innovation, ESADE-URL
- Paper 1: Encuesta a personas en situación de calle en Barcelona: datos y percepciones. Beatriz Fernández and Georgina Marín Nogueras, Fundació Arrels. [Bio & Video abstract]
- Paper 2: Aporofobia institucional y la falta de vivienda: ¿Existe un sistema penal en España? Isabel García Domínguez, Universidad de Salamanca. [Bio & Video abstract]
- Paper 3: The experts’ view on the current pharmaceutical and medical care for people experiencing homelessness in the city of Barcelona and proposals for their situations’ improvement. Marta Bel Estave and Oriol Quintana, IQS-URL. [Bio & Video abstract]
Session 6 "Empirical evidence on Poverty and aporophobia I" (Tues 31, 9.00-10.30) [English] - Sala multimedia 2
Moderator: Miriam Feu, Càritas Diocesana de Barcelona
- Paper 1: Poverty stigma and social protection: evidence for Uruguay based on longitudinal data. Rodrigo Nicolau and Andrea Vigoritto, Universidad de la República, Uruguay. [Bio & Video abstract]
- Paper 2: Diferencias intergeneracionales de la aporofobia entre jóvenes y adultos en Barcelona. Cristina Montañola, Juan Albacete, Francesc Martori and Flavio Comim, IQS-URL. [Bio & Video abstract]
- Paper 3: The multidimensions of aporophobia: empirical evidence. Mihály Borsi, IQS-URL. [Bio & Video abstract]
Session 7 "Empirical evidence of Aporophobia II" (Tues 31, 15.00-16.30) [Spanish] - Sala multimedia 1
- Paper 1: The potential of participatory methodologies to support less aporophobic public policies: a study on child poverty. Sylvia García Delahaye and Caroline Dubath, Haute école de travail social de Genève. [Bio & Video abstract]
- Paper 2: Disentangling Aporophobia from Xenophobia in Europe. Octasiano Valerio, Flavio Comim and Mihály Borsi, IQS-URL. [Bio & Video abstract]
- Paper 3: El reto de las políticas públicas en la lucha contra la aporofobia desde el ámbito local. Eva María Picado Valverde, Amaia Yurrebaso Macho and Raquel Guzmán Ordaz, Universidad de Salamanca. [Bio & Video abstract]
Session 8 "Aporophobia in the technological society" (Tues 31, 15.00-16.30) [Spanish] - Sala multimedia 2
Moderator: Lana Kazkaz, Observatori Blanquerna de comunicació, Religió i Cultura-URL
- Paper 1: La pobreza en el contexto de la sociedad tecnológica: un valor cultural y spiritual. Ignasi Boada, Blanquerna-URL. [Bio & Video abstract]
- Paper 2: La IA como agente moral: el caso de la aporofobia. Xavier Casanovas, Cristina Montañola, Llorenç Puig and Albert Fornells, IQS-URL. [Bio & Video abstract]
- Paper 3: O Princípio Constitucional da Fraternidade como fio condutor do Combate jurídico-penas da aporofobia no Brasil. Carlos Alcântara Machado and Augusto Leite de Resende, University Federal of Sergipe and University Tiradentes, Brasil. (In Portuguese). [Bio & Video abstract]
Workshop 1 “Joint Workshop Fundació Arrels, Assís and Càritas” (Mon 30, 16.45-18.30)
Location: Assís Centre d'acollida, Via Augusta, 405-407 (5 minutes from IQS)
Workshop 2 “Observatorio Hatento & Informe Foessa” (Tues 31, 16.30-18.30)
Location: Sala multimedia 1, IQS
Workshop 3 "Informe Foessa” (Tues 31, 16.30-18.30)
Location: Sala multimedia 2, IQS